They brought back peggle, and this time it has a kind of RPG meets roguelite theme. It's very cute and fun but short.

Gameplay is basically peggle but each orb has different mechanics for how it interacts with the pegs, and you accumulate new orbs as you play or level up existing orbs to become more powerful. At the same time enemies will constantly be approaching along the top of the screen, you deal damage with each peg hit based on the strength / features of the orb and you take damage if the enemies reach you.

It's a clever and simple design that's very easy to pick up and addicting to play. The only downside is that there's so little content. More is slowly getting added but because of how the game is built it's easy to experience everything quickly. A good idea with slightly too little substance, but a great starting point.

Reviewed on Jul 07, 2023
