Half genie hero is a real celebration of the series up to this point. This one is definitely the highest point so far and really embraces the fun of it's action platforming gameplay.

This one adopts a more cartoony art style that does away with the pixels from previous editions but doesn't lose any of the charm or quality by doing so. Everything maintains that stylish animation that has become standard at this point. The music also is top notch with some fun remixes of the classic tracks and introduces some new bangers.

The gameplay sees a return of magic and animal transformations but they don't interrupt the flow of gameplay like they used to. Lessons were learned from the pirate themed abilities of the last game as the different forms return to offering new gameplay challenges rather than being a solution to a single problem. This does cause a return to some of the backtracking though as animal forms let you explore levels beyond the main path and gather collectables.

This game also features a huge variety of extra character stories, costume modes, and challenges. There's fan service for days and more than I could stomach, but it's like getting sick on sweets. It's absolutely packed with content and makes for a fun romp the whole way through, so if you like 2D platformer's (or just Shantae) this one is a must!

Reviewed on Jul 08, 2023
