This is the tale of one little bard travelling the world and singing to solve puzzles. And it is the best game I have ever played. The world is dripping with charm, filled with cute and interesting characters, hilarious and wholesome writing, packed with fun twists and turns for the story, and your only way to affect the world is by singing.

The singing mechanics are very cleverly implemented - each note corresponds to a colour and wherever you see the colour you can usually interact with that part of the world by singing that note. This results in a beautiful and excellently scored array of puzzles, interactions, and of course musical sections that never fail to delight.

This is a game brimming with atmosphere, the work that went into all the music is phenomenal, the innovative ideas behind the various challenges and how everything fits together is impressive, and the story had me in tears both of joy and sadness from beginning to end. One of my very few 5/5 games not because it's flawless, but because I feel that what it gets right it does so well that I'm compelled to overlook its flaws. It really just strikes a chord with me.

Reviewed on Jul 10, 2023
