I don't have a ton to say about Crysis 2 mostly because it's the first shooter on my list that's just a good game already, no strings attached. The suit powers are neat, and I found myself equally using stealth and armor throughout my playthrough which to me shows me that they were both balanced well.

A few too many cinematic moments for my liking, especially since most of them involved the suit getting messed up in one way or another. I also got blue balled by 2 almost-turret sections. Turret sections are my favorite part of any shooter so to be denied them twice in a row left me feeling disappointed.

As a side note for my playstyle, I punched so many people and aliens to death. It was my go to way of disposing of anything in my way so I could have ammo for the big guys. I found my magazine clip running out a lot of times so eventually I just started to armor up and throw hands. In hindsight I could have used my visor to scan for ammo crates more, but my approach still got me to the end around the average playtime.

Reviewed on Jan 24, 2024
