I was recommended this because it was similar to Return of the Obra Dinn, and while it does share some ideas with that game I found the mechanics to be more frustrating, to the point where I don't think I have the energy to finish the final two cases. The Lovecraftian horror trappings are far lighter here than in Obra Dinn, it's more of a human conspiracy than anything else. And while that's still fun to work your way through it doesn't give you the same sense of becoming engrossed in an ever-darkening mystery. And the act of figuring out what has happened is made laborious by the need to constantly drag and drop words into the correct places on a "Thinking" board while not having a centralised place to view all the evidence you've found, instead needing to go back and click through every interactable point in a scene to remind yourself of information you've already read.

Still, this is good fun. I worked my way through 9 of the cases (I believe there are 11 in total) and enjoyed it enough to recommend it.

Reviewed on Feb 17, 2023
