The game that made me a gamer, it holds a special place in my heart.
This is the game of my dreams, my second home in which I've spent thousands of hours into and I still can't say goodbye to it, I always come back because there's always something to take care of.

When I first played it as a very young kid, it absolutely blew me away, my experience with the game was unreal, everything about it was out of this world. One of the most gorgeous and breathtaking worlds in a videogame, and to this day it still manages to surprise me.

I love the Scandinavian Medieval setting, with the dragons and the diverse amount of creatures and people, it's a huge game where you create your own story.

The gameplay is mostly basic with a decent variety of weapons and spells, nothing groundbreaking but it serves its purpose. Where the game feels outdated and tedious is the dungeon design, most dungeons look the same and some puzzles can be frustrating, that being said this doesn't necessarily ruin the experience.

The scenery, the music, the aurora borealis... it's very nostalgic and makes me teary-eyed, I mourn the days when I didn't know anything about this game, and I wish I could experience it for the first time again.
A Timeless Masterpiece.

Final Rating: "Masterpiece" ~ 10/10.

Reviewed on Mar 03, 2024
