Oh well, for an "Avengers" game, I expected something better.
This game is so dull, it lacks charm and personality, and the fact that it's a live service game really hurts the overall story, it feels so choppy and disjointed, the pacing is all over the place, the missions are extremely repetitive and they end very abruptly, and there is a lot of grinding as if it's a dead multiplayer game... what where they thinking!?

Don't get me started on the Avengers, they are so bland, it actually feels like as if you're playing as random people cosplaying as superheroes, with limited movesets and not much variety of combat options, there is honestly so much wasted potential. The only Avenger I enjoyed playing as is the Hulk, and that's because of his long jump and grab attacks, every other Avenger feels boring, you can button mash your way through the entire game and still get rewarded for it.

Granted, the way the characters interact with each other is sweet, there are some small decent moments here and there, and the voice actors did a good job at bringing the Avengers to life.
There is a fine game hidden beneath all the unnecessary stupid crap, because honestly, at times I was able to enjoy the game, even with all its flaws.

It's a pretty short game and a forgettable one at that.
I guess, it's not exactly a bad game because even though I didn't really enjoy it much, I actually didn't hate it either, it's just disappointing.

Final Rating: "Average" ~ 5/10.

Reviewed on May 18, 2024
