While some players might find the combat repetitive; I find the combat to be great. Flowing between enemies with sword attacks, deflecting attacks and rolling out of the way is so much fun. Then to top it off with a satisfying execution with great sound effects and yells makes it even better.

What I really like about the combat is its more than just looking pretty with the execution moves; there is a level of depth and strategy to be had. Depending on how quickly you pull off the execution you will get more XP, health, damage, or fill up a bar called "Focus" that stuns nearby enemies. However you can only select one of these to at a time when doing an execution, so you have to choose wisely in a matter of seconds which one would benefit you in the moment of combat.

I HIGHLY recommend playing this on the hardest difficulty that you can select when playing for the first time. The simplicity of the combat might be forgotten just because you are really trying to survive or you know that you only have so much health until you are killed.

If you don't find the combat that interesting you might find this game rather ok, since the bulk of the game is combat. The story might keep you engaged but I wouldn't count on it.

+ High production values
+ Very well animated
+ Great acting along with face and motion capture
+ Fantastic sound effects
+ Satisfying combat
+ The game looks amazing
+ The COOP modes are very fun

- Combat might get repetitive
- Clunky aiming with spears

Reviewed on May 19, 2024
