If you're into or can get past the cybergoth anime vampire aesthetic and accompanying writing and character mannerisms, this is a competent and above average souls clone to dabble into.
It has some neat mechanics that set it apart from simply being weeaboo dark souls. However its distinct lack of enemy variety and some middle of the road level design hurt the fairly lengthy experience. I clocked in around 20 hours but I'd already seen all the enemies the game had to offer about a third of the way in. Fighting the same enemies for an extended runtime starts to get dull and I wish there were more and with greater variance. As too many foes end up being guys with weapons and little else.

At the end of the day I enjoyed my time with it and I'll probably replay it in the future. If you like souls games and their copycats you're likely to enjoy Code Vein. Just don't expect a mindblowing experience.

Reviewed on May 08, 2024
