Significant step up in basically every way. Less time is wasted on tedious chores and the longer combat gauntlets near the end didn't tire me out nearly as much as they did in the first two titles.
The only major complaint I have is that the alternate weapons don't have much of an identity of their own. 3 of the 4 weapons use chains to extend their reach, and while their mechanics differ, they don't feel like they're wholly their own.
Luckily for me, this time the returning enemies have been tailored to not pose as big an annoyance while still putting up the same challenge they presented in 1 and 2.

If the first two games didn't sell you, mechanically, then you should still seriously give God of War 3 a shot. It's the first time I had fun the whole way through one of these games.

Reviewed on May 18, 2024
