Resident Evil 4 on the wii provides an extra layer of catharsis to the already rock solid RE4 experience.

While not a total reimagining of the game, the motion controls do enough to change the experience. Motion controlled aiming allows for quicker reflexes while in combat, but also more tense and stressful situations when you're overwhelmed. Leon's built-in sway when aiming is still present, but somewhat less noticeable as it blends in with your own sway from holding the wiimote.
Unlike other versions of the game, you will always have a reticle on screen, meaning you can preemptively aim at a foe before holding down the B button to enter the shooting stance. While this can make the game somewhat easier than playing on controller, it feels natural and the transition is smooth.
Swiping the wiimote while not in the shooting stance will make Leon automatically target and slash at the closest thing to him with his knife, whether that's the boxes scattered throughout the game, or an enemy right by him. Another convenience feature that, to an extent, makes the game easier, as Leon targets the objects and enemies faster than the player would by holding the knife button and aiming at what they want to attack.

The Wii Edition of RE4 sacrifices minor challenge by providing unique motion control features not present in other versions. And while this may be disappointing to more hardcore fans of the game, it's a welcome change of pace from the traditional controller gameplay.

Reviewed on Oct 19, 2021
