Counter-Strike: Condition Zero - Deleted Scenes is a strange footnote in the Counter-Strike series. A collection of scenarios that feel simultaneously like a tech demo for goldsrc and a series of fanmade minicampaigns that they bundled together into a single package.
Deleted Scenes has no real narrative to speak of and the counter-terrorism ops the game sends you on have varying degrees of production value and length. Some have opening scenes setting up your helicopter crashing or simple debriefing before a mission, while others spawn you straight into the combat zone with a simplistic objective displayed on the HUD. Level design is haphazard. At times it feels like I'm making progress in unintended ways, except it's the only way forward. The level designers have a habit of placing terrorists behind walls or doors that you're bound to go past to try and catch you off guard which gets predictable and somewhat dull through the short runtime.
Enemies themselves fall into a few different categories you're probably used to, with different tactics they employ in combat and are decent, if a bit stupid. The satisfying gunplay propping up most of the titles enjoyment.
Graphically the game is on par with later goldsrc releases and at times looks quite pleasant. Voice acting is hit or miss and the soundtrack is fine when it's there.

Condition Zero - Deleted Scenes is a fine enough title to play through in an afternoon if you're bored and feeling up for some solid but simple first person shooting action. It feels good to play, but the overall package lacks the cohesive quality that Valve's other singleplayer offerings have.

Reviewed on Apr 07, 2023
