Well... It's free, so your expectations should be very, very low (then again, so was P.T. and it's still considered a masterpiece, so yeah...). It's a really short walking simulator that tackles some very important and deep topics, has a very heavy and dark atmosphere, and a story that you need to put together yourself by collecting notes and articles. There's nothing original or unique here, to be honest, and I wouldn't even call it really scary. It's disturbing, sure, but there are no jumpscares, and the chase sequences are more annoying than frightening. Graphics were OK, I guess, but I experienced quite a few serious frame rate issues, especially during cutscenes. The DualSense support is quite nice, though.

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2024


4 months ago

Shame, sounds exacly like what I was expecting from Konami. After all the things I heard from Ascension and this,
I dread what the SH2 remake is going to be.

4 months ago

Was the story at least good Kv?

@NovaNiles tbf Konami's not making the Silent Hill 2 remake. The bad news is Bloober Team is and they made the dreadful (not in a good way) Layers of Fear.

4 months ago

@RedBackLoggd Hmm, yeah, I guess the story was OK, it's mostly revolving around the difficulties of being a teenager in today's online world with all the dangers of social media, and it also touches upon some other very heavy subjects, like suicide and child abuse. I'm sure it all would have resonated more with me if I was closer to that age group.

4 months ago

Thanks man, I actually might give it a try ironically b/c of your review. That's the hallmark of a good critic - when they lead you to make your own decision over shoving their own POV down your throat.

4 months ago

@RedBackLoggd I know that Konami is not technically making the game but Im sure they have atleast some marketing exec or number crunsher overseeing Bloober Team. We know they did that with every other western developer for SH they hired and theirs a lot of evidence that shows that Konami activly ruined their ideas, like what they originaly had planned for Downpour for example. To be fair I have never playd a Bloober team game, I have only seen Videos. It still doesnt exacly fill me with joy, especially after the last trailer they dropped and their still beeing no release date. Needless to say: its looking pretty grim.

4 months ago

@NovaNiles Yeah I understand brother. We'll see how it goes.