'Until Dawn' is one of my favorite interactive movies, but its spiritual successor, 'Man of Medan' was a step back in all respects compared to it. I had little hope (pun not intended...) that the second installment of 'The Dark Pictures Anthology' would be much better.

And indeed, this is still not the game that will revolutionize the genre, however, the developers managed to fix many of the issues 'Man of Medan' was plagued with. 'Little Hope' plays and looks better than its predecessor, and I even found the story creepier and the cast more interesting this time around. The tense and foreboding atmosphere reminded me of an absolute classic, 'Silent Hill 2', and the rich, detailed history of the town was really well crafted. I just wish the characters wouldn't move around like sloths...

There are some cheap jumpscares and some QTEs can be a bit annoying, but all in all, I can still recommend this to horror and/or interactive movie / adventure fans, especially if you played 'Man of Medan'.

Reviewed on Nov 04, 2020
