I think this might be the biggest disappointment of the year for me... Well, to be fair, I don't think this is a bad game - as you can see, I gave it three stars, and that, by my definition, is definitely not bad. Not good, either, though. It's a fairly generic sci-fi horror story with astonishingly beautiful graphics, great DualSense support, and with sound effects and atmosphere that are all spot on. Shame that the whole gameplay is just a recycled and weaker version of Dead Space, and with insane difficulty even on the supposedly "easiest" mode, especially because switching weapons and healing take forever, which can pose quite a challenge when facing swarms of monsters.

Also, the campaign is excruciatingly short considering the pricetag on this one, so yeah, keep that in mind before buying (I believe it can be finished in around six hours). There are also quite a few glitches here and there, and a tragically low enemy variety. Ranged weapons were fine, at least, but I could never really get the hang of the dodging mechanics in melee combat... All in all, The Callisto Protocol in its current form is nothing more than mediocre, as far as I'm concerned.

Reviewed on Dec 11, 2022

1 Comment

Yeah that's correct.