To say I love this game is an understatement, this is one of the best games I have ever played and definitely of the top shooters. This game is fantastic from top to bottom and has given me nothing but pure adrenaline on the difficulty I played it in (Serve Me Pain/Very Hard). The levels were long, but they felt justified as every single battle kept me on edge and required me to use pure skill to overcome. The bosses were all great, constantly giving a new approach to fight them. The game constantly improves, and it doesn't settle down at all. Each episode is wildly improved from the previous, and the third episode amazes me with how great it was. The guns were all satisfying to use, allowing me to strategize accordingly with them and many of which brought a new idea to FPS games as a whole. Words cannot express how much I enjoyed this game, and it is arguably the best modern boomer shooter to date. This game is easily a must play, especially if you love FPS games.

Reviewed on Dec 16, 2023
