Probably one the best adapations of a movie franchise into a game, not solely for the gameplay alone. This game is something you might think the creators of the movies had a hand in making.

It's an FPS games on slower more methodical end with significant RPG elements in the form of more open levels with multiple objectives and an experience based skill point system.

Playing as Robocop, you stomp around like crazy whenever you move (with different sounds depending on what kind of ground your walking on), you're allowed a sprint but your generally pretty slow but the levels accomodate for it nicely enough, still you're a tank on legs, opposition needs to be overwhelming to pose even a simple threat to you, mowing down the dozens of criminals at once with Robocop's signature weapon and one other side arm from an interesting selection of period weapon with limited ammo. One would think that such a formula to get old eventually but it really doesn't, every major shootout could potentially be from the movies themselves and enemies get varied enough to even have you switch things up a little, the game is moderately hard on normal difficulty and the RPG progression system is surprisingly tame, helps a little and spices things up a bit but never felt major, like the game was designed it with having that part of the game not influence things too much and it's for the best. The RPG experience system is there mainly for the more openeded part of the game, you don't just shoot irredimable criminals, you're also investigating and helping citizens. This part of the game can be menial but is necessary for the writing of the game and allows to flesh things out very well, for a game that might resemble Fallout 4 in that regard it's actually filled with far more significant action and consequences.

Writing is genuinely the highlight of the game, it bears repeating that it genuinely feels like another (good) movie in the franchise. Everything that made the first movie awesome is here. It's funny, it's gorey, it's messy, it's satirical of grim world run by corporate overlords and humanity still pushing through despite it all. Visually is also something straight out of the movies too even with being a budget title and all, the enviromental artists really nailed the decadent detroit, every places is just packed with details.

Genuienly a really funny game too. It's pretty fanservicey towards the rest of the franchise but in ways that feels elegant and smart.

The only negatives I can think off are the performances at release, the checkpoint system sometimes not having enough checkpoints and the first boss being a shitty bulletsponge I needed to cheese to beat.

Reviewed on Nov 07, 2023
