Halo wars was a pleasantly surprising game as im not one for top down strategy games but this one hooked me.

For starters i think the controls were very well adapted to controllers as most of these type of games that come to consoles usually have very bad controls as they dont convert well from pc so big probs for that. This game is also a blast if you're playing with friends and ive spent countless hours doing many different challenges on halo wars with a friend of mine. Also enjoy the learning curve to this game understanding what units are suitable for each map what are the best bases to control ext. Definitely the best halo spinoff compared to whatever halo spartan assault was.

However for negatives id say that the campaign in this game is pretty boring and i preferred the campaign in 2s, the maps can also get pretty boring after you've played the game so much as there arent that many to chose from and playing against legendary ai get ready to combat some of the most bs things the game can throw at you and it'll just take alot of luck and patience to defeat the legendary ai.

Overall though i love this game and id say its better than the 343 halo's. Definitely play it if you're unsure as im not a big fan of this genre yet this has come out as one of my favourite multiplayer experiences with my friends

Reviewed on Dec 09, 2023


5 months ago

I love sending Marines to their inevitable demise against a scarab

5 months ago

@V0LCANIX me too bestie