Sega's greatest triumph. Having refined the classic Sonic formula, this incredible entry in the annals of gaming history sees Sonic Team perfect it in such a way they've never been able to match since, and nor has anyone else to create a Sonic game.

The levels are huge and have so many different paths to explore, the music is unbelievably good with not a single bad tune on the soundtrack, the graphics are beautiful and vibrant, making Sonic's world seem alive and the challenge is perfectly pitched, with some of the later levels still providing a challenge almost thirty years since the game's debut, yet none of it is in any way prohibitive to players unfamiliar with the series. Within seconds of the first level beginning, you can pick up everything you need to know about how to play this game- from there, you simply play it and marvel at how bloody good it is.

Three characters who play distinctly from one another let you approach the same levels in different ways and expand the replay value as a result. Even decades later, I'm still learning new things to find in this game. The two-player race mode is an extra added bit of fun that they didn't even need to throw in but they did. The tracks are all short and sweet but, frankly, it's a bonus cherry on top of the sundae anyway so who's complaining?

The best Sonic game of all time, the best Sega game of all time, the best 2D platformer of all time. This is a masterpiece. I've never tired of playing it since I received it for Christmas in 1994 and I don't think I ever will.

Reviewed on May 10, 2022
