This random PopCap game is the most subversive critique on the American economy I have ever seen. In this game the rich (big fish) are only able to gobble up the most fish (money) while the small fish (poor people) are only able to gobble up scraps.

Don't even get me started on how they treat hardworking immigrants. In this climate, they are treated unfairly as an invasive species that threatens to take all the resources in the economy. The game even goes so low as to hideously distort the supposed "antagonist" as a hideous creature.

And on top of that, the ruling class sends the little guys out to fight this creature without ever helping out themselves, which harkens to our politicians sending us internationally to fight some war that they will never directly touch themselves.

Therefore, it is my belief that Feeding Frenzy 2 is by a MILE the best simulation about what it's like to a lower working class citizen, and how they are pitted against their fellow man with the tantalizing prospect of one day becoming the ruler themselves. It's a shame that EA bought up PopCap, because otherwise there might be a Feeding Frenzy 3 in which it has a scene where a school of minnows team up on orcas and overthrow their rule. Sadly, the corporate fat cats at EA would never allow it. Sigh. One can only dream.

Reviewed on Apr 01, 2024
