I know this project was primarily made with the intent of pure collaborative freedom and creation but man it really doesn't make for a great experience overall. I wanna say I had about 5 minutes of enjoyment out of this collection? A lot of what I played was just walking simulators which isn't a bad thing but it was just a bit too much for me. Some of the gameplay is downright frustrating too, with this one game where you're defeating these piles of flesh but if you get hit you get sent ALL THE WAY BACK. Or that tightrope section in that ball rolling game. I kept falling off the darn edge and it wouldn't be as bad if the graphics weren't so low res or the ball wasn't so momentum based and sluggish. In later games I just didn't know what to do so I would try and walk off the boundaries of the map (which was quite easy to do). Eventually I gave up because I didn't know how to progress any further and that seemed like a sign to me. Probably for the best too considering TWO of the later games involve collecting eight notebooks while being chased by eyeballs.

There's also meant to be continuous plot which is a very neat concept considering that each creator adds on to the story, but I swear to God I lost the plot around game 6. From what I gather Ms. Blanche goes through some sort of initiation but then we're another character and we're a swirly vortex and then an alien reaper killing scientists? You tell me how I'm supposed to make out a story.

I will give credit where credit is due, though; the different art styles and atmospheres was a spectacular marvel. I found my stomach twisting with thalassophobia as I walked into the murky depths. Or when I stopped to gawk at the vaporwave-inspired sections where I was free to float around in. On top of that, it comes in a neat little virtual CD case that launches different games (that run on different engines too. Seriously, GameMaker, Unity, Unreal and Godot running from one place was unthinkable to me). Bonus points too for presenting these games as high classification anomalies with documents to briefly scroll through.

Overall, neat concept, but not something I enjoyed from a gameplay or narrative perspective at all. This is something I'd rather watch someone else play so I can sit back and try to enjoy the art of these talented game makers of all backgrounds collaborating into a tight, short, little package. And hey, it's free. Not something I'm mad about.

Reviewed on Jun 08, 2023
