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Alright so on the whole this is a pretty accurate depiction of streamer culture and the degeneracy of the internet. The gameplay managed to go hand-in-hand with the story and I must commend the developers for that. Plus the art style is just so vibrant and energetic. Usually I groan at needless references, but due to the game’s focus on the internet I didn’t really mind it as much. THEY MADE A FUCKING TWILIGHT SYNDROME REFERENCE LIKE HELLO???

However I feel like the game is dragged down by a few tedious features. Having to reply to Ame every day is just annoying, especially considering that you’ll likely play the game multiple times and go through the same handful of messages. Also the streams themselves are just boring. I admit the dialogue is funny, but the actual gameplay is just so uninteresting and dull. Finally we get to the main twist of the story: P-chan is just a figment of Ame’s imagination. On paper this seems like a pretty good twist, however I just simply cannot accept it. This is due to the texting system between P-chan and Ame. So you’re telling me that she was texting herself on a different phone the whole time?

Overall it’s still worth your while. For only around £13 it’s a pretty decent deal.

Reviewed on May 16, 2023
