I really loved this game and the story but the only thing weighing it down for me was Saga. Like Jesse she is the most boring character surrounded by a cast of far more interesting characters than she is.

The whole anchor to her in this story is her daughter, who we never see and only have 2 short phone calls with, is going to die but I couldn't work up caring about this plotline at all as it has no development and we know nothing of these 2 characters and Saga eats up time that could be better spent on the titular character, Alan.

This is Remedy's most restrictive game, which is sad considering how open and refreshing Control was. I was hoping they would go with the original concept of AW 1 where it was open world and Alan could do side quests and get to know the townsfolk but surprisingly AW 1 offers more freedom than this game, it's not really a criticism just feels like a missed opportunity.

The enemy variety is also gets pretty stale after a while especially in Alan's sections where you fight one enemy type for the entire game

Reviewed on Nov 30, 2023
