What an uninspired, cashgrabbing, unfair, unbalanced and disappointing mess that tries to proclaim itself as an honorable continuation of what I consider a masterpiece. It's truly saddening to see Popcap's downfall after the EA acquirement but not much we can do.

However, I have to give credit where credit's due. The visual and design departments of the game are stunning and rich, a major glow up from probably the only aspect of the original I don't fully like; as well as the soundtrack which never disappoints, rivals the original in quality!

In summary, it isn't utterly worthless but not worth your time or NONE of your money.

Also, ehhhhhh, yeah I'd say the Pepperpult is pretty damn hot... and yeah, it's literally so fucking hot it melts ice just by staying nearby so don't come close to that motherfucker ever.

Reviewed on Apr 18, 2021
