I'm a huge sucker for A Short Hike-like games, so I did enjoy this. I think the animal characters are really cute and the dialogue is fun to read. The drawings of the characters are really cute and expressive. However, this is not a good 3D platformer. The controls are floaty and the physics are wonky. It's just not fun to get around.

I played this on the Switch, and unlike the PC version, it completely lacks shading. It's very hard on the eyes. Could they really not get this to run with any shading at all? The camera is also nauseating at times. It continues swinging to the side after you stop moving the right stick. It also frequently clips into things. There is visual jank too, such as the hamster character not being animated at all. He just stands there T-posing. I also encountered bugs that required me to restart the game a few times.

Overall, I think I would have enjoyed this a lot more if it were a fully 2D game, a visual novel, or even a comic book. I understand that it's rough around the edges because it was made by like 3 people. I still recommend checking it out if you love this type of game like I do (but get the PC version). Still, there are more polished similar games out there, such as Lil' Gator Game, Smushi Come Home, and Here Comes Niko!.

Reviewed on Mar 02, 2024
