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I am blown away a million times over

"Immersive" doesn't even begin to cover the full spectrum of feelings this game gave me, its realism perfectly eases the player into the brilliance of its world, atmosphere, and story.

Arthur Morgan is perhaps the greatest anti-hero I've ever encountered in fiction. The way the gameplay can diverge from the narrative in the ways you can choose for him to behave felt groundbreaking to me... since I went for mostly honorable actions he truly felt like a man trying his best; someone on the up and up. His character development near the end, and that last ride...'that's the way it is' left me in tears; it all felt so raw and natural after everything I did, HE did.

The gunplay never had a dull moment, in SPITE of its flaws, the missions were consistently fun, I've never experienced a more fluid, enjoyable, and diverse hunting system, and exploring the world was a breath of fresh air with how...alive, everything was. The attention to detail in this game is unmatched in such a way that I forgot I was even playing a game multiple times over. A true landmark for open-world games and 100% places it as my absolute favorite amongst the few I've played. I am so glad I took my time and made sure to explore just about everything to their limits.

You'll be alright boah.

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2022
