This is one of my favorite games ever, it gave me hundreds of hours of challenges in my childhood. It is a virtual pet simulator with combat and stats from a typical jrpg. You train your pet while rebuilding the main city by recruiting digimons. Every digimon that you recruit adds services, shops or utilities to the city and you see it growing with each new recruit.

The combat mechanics are in real time and you can input some commands, but the digimon decides what to do. You give support in battles by giving him items or by activating his finishing move.

Your digimon can evolve into different creatures depending on the base egg you pick and his stats. The evolution level achieved depends on the digimon's age. After certain age your digimon will perish and be reincarnated as an egg, repeating the cycle again and again.

This game is hard as fuck, and there is some sort of mysticism regarding the ways of digivolving the digimons, but it's part of the charm. Some people may find annoying having to feed or take the digimon to the toilet. I don't recommend this game if you don't have patience and aren't willing to learn from your mistakes.

Peak soul.

Reviewed on Jun 14, 2021
