I'm quite conflicted on how to rate this. Its the first Xenoblade game I've actually beaten. I played 1 and 2 but dropped them both early on due to a combo of how much the early sections drag and not liking the combat. I still do not like this games combat system but this time I at least got to a point where enough clicked for me that I was eager to see it through to the end.

Regarding why I don't like the combat, it feels to me like a too simplified form of MMORPG combat that never quite plays right because AI isn't great and that prevents making bosses too complex. Despite feeling that way, I hardy think its terrible but its something that requires the rest of the game to be interesting enough to make up for it to keep my interest.

The story did have a slow start but once it left the first major area the plot had started to get interesting enough to keep me around. I liked most of the main cast and the game made sure to spend adequate time fleshing almost all of them out. Almost. Really felt like a certain one was only there because they needed 6. It didn't end up being my favorite JRPG story of all time but it ended in a way that made me want to give 1 and 2 another chance.

The amount of effort put into the optional quests for the Hero's (actually voicing them and having proper cutscenes) was surprising and much appreciated as it made going out of your way for the ones not part of the main story rewarding. Even the simpler side quests could be somewhat interesting with how they'd lead into each other and flesh out connections between minor NPC's and the world.

Some other random things I really liked but don't have much to say on were the fantastic music and the mech designs.

Aside from not enjoying combat there were some other issues that made me less high on this game then I might otherwise have been. For example so many NPC's but seemed like only a dozen designs with some colors swapped. An understandable thing for time reasons but sometimes left me confused as to who was who so it was noticeable. I should note that of course that's not an issue for the main cast and anyone actually important in the story.

The other negative was there were times, particularly during some cutscenes, where some choices that negatively impact the games sound design stood out badly. When you run around the games world what do you hear besides the music? If you really listen you hear foot steps that are barely audible but that's it. Some cutscenes will have a decent amount of time with no dialogue, music, or weapons clashing which leaves you with complete silence even if you can tell there's movement in the scene that should make noise. At that point its distracting and makes the game feel cheap.

Overall I enjoyed it in spite of my issues and if only either the combat was more interesting and/or my more minor issues didn't bother me I could see myself considering this as one of the better JRPG's I played. I still think its quite good in spite of my issues with it, it just feels like it was so close to being even better which is why I struggle with my thoughts on it.

Reviewed on Aug 21, 2022
