A blood filled workplace satire survival horror comedy. Brian Pasternack is on a low rung of a caste system until the day he receives a letter from a major corporation wanting him to appear for his first job, later revealed to be working as a witch hunter. A witch having been corrupting the company for decades. With most of the corrupting influence and employee attitudes being directly or a metaphor for work and social issues. Monsters are ignored or worshipped, work is done over and around dead bodies, your job is targeted at lower class people to lure them into the company as hunters and sacrifices, employees looking for promotion attempt to get their rivals killed, employees make excuses of getting used to the company culture, not wanting to quit with it looking bad on their resume, or needing to help the team as reasons to stay with the company.

Good soundtrack and sound design. Satisfying puzzle for navigation and the corrupted bosses and enemies you encounter, lots of secrets with multiple endings with the updated version that released last year adding an alternate path for the endgame. Cast of likable and appropriately hateable characters. Well done and mood fitting manga influenced pixel artwork and short cutscenes.

Screenshots: https://twitter.com/Legolas_Katarn/status/1376103030756499464

Reviewed on May 15, 2021
