Side scrolling 2.5D action platformer. Good level design, nice backgrounds, alternate paths, varied enemies that can have some cosmetic differences depending on the situation. The las stage in just the first area could have been the finale of the game. Having you move through a burning castle as enemies are on fire, the ceiling falls down, a giant robot attacks you through the destroyed walls, leading to a boss fight as your character followed by a second giant robot boss fight that plays in a completely different way to the rest of the game.

Day and night cycles as you play with different enemies and town changes. You can switch between characters with different abilities and enemy deaths (Yae's katana cuts enemies in half) but this can only be done in towns or certain areas rather than on the fly slowing things down when you want to switch and likely having you stick with Goemon for the majority of the time due to his superior jumps and the main threat being falling off cliffs. But there are times where you have access to character switching in a level when you get to a part that requires different abilities. Might be that the game being 2-4 players is why they don't have that option.

A need to find entry passes to access parts of the map or the final section of each area by finding hidden passes, doing mostly dull side quests, and finding ones hidden in town just slows the game down. Some of the side activities are more interesting but a lot of them just have you going back to completed maps looking for items or enemy types while on a time limit that will likely require you to know which paths things are on to complete it. View is a little too close and can make it difficult to see sometimes.

Not a big fan of the busywork and looking for hidden items but it is a very good game. Need to try the second, third, and fourth SNES games now.

This series as well as ones like Klonoa make for some good side scrollers that a lot of people probably missed.


Reviewed on May 15, 2021
