A first person photography game that uses Māori symbolism and Jet Set Radio as influences to show how the generation with no future deals with the end. Take pictures of your friends, the environment, and people at the end of the world caused by environmental issues and a kaiju attack from the sea. Each of the levels range from you and your friends in towns full of memorials and film and recruitment posters, street dance parties before the world's end, bloody combat zones, train rides of survivors, etc. Unlock new lenses, camera options, editing options by finishing levels and completing objectives. Gives you a lot of options to take pictures how you want once you unlock everything and are no longer trying to finish under time constraints.

Jumping can be awkward with double jumps not always working or falling through things you would think you could stand on. Unlocking the hover boots pretty much removes the issue in addition to opening up some nice photo opportunities.

Screenshots: https://twitter.com/Legolas_Katarn/status/1284713563769024515

Reviewed on May 17, 2021
