Beat em up style game where you are unable to do normal attacks and instead have to parry and dodge enemy blows to either tire them out until you can push them over, can grab and throw back enemy throwing weapons, or until you build up a combo allowing you to perform a powerful attack. Allows you to change five different options for custom difficulty. Decent enemy variety with some needing to be defeated in certain ways or more easily beaten in certain ways but the palette swaps to show different attack patterns can make it more difficult to remember what they do. Enemy grabs are a little off hit detection wise. Crowd of enemies on screen can make it hard to see who is doing what, even on the normal enemy number setting, enemies attack you one at a time but might all move together with larger ones mostly concealing the smaller. Most of the levels are fairly dull with you just walking through similar areas until you move into a wave based enemy section. Base gameplay is good but can become simple and repetitive fast, like many beat em ups, but this one lacking the characters, co-op, variety of moves, or more interesting levels of the better beat em ups.

Reviewed on May 17, 2021
