I ended up enjoying Bloodborne a lot more than the Demon Souls/Dark Souls games but it often felt too clunky for me to really have fun with, the slow movement mixed with hit detection and lock on issues really hurt it for me. Having such limited movesets with weapons and me having to stick with the same weapon (ignoring that the cane/whip was basically one of the only three that I liked in the main game) due to how long it took to get others that I wanted to try or them requiring different stats with no respec character option didn't help to make the combat more interesting.

The game was really easy, most bosses could be beat with the two of you just flailing around at each other and I would tend to only die to normal enemies when there were camera/lock on/clipping issues (like a giant pig ramming me through a building and balcony when half of its body appeared through it).

The DLC is when the game finally started to do some interesting things with its environment, both with more creepy visuals, better world building, and by finally including some traps and a simple but somewhat more interesting use of level design where you would rotate a large flight of stairs around to get to other areas. The final boss was also the only boss I died to more than once (mostly due to terrible hit detection and after dying 30 times I realized mid fight that I could move in a way that he wouldn't hit me even though it really looked like he should be or should easily be able to). I have two trophies left, don't know if I want to go through that many of the Chalice dungeons to get them though.

It would have been better in 2015, now feels very weak mechanically compared to Nioh and environment and side character wise compared to Hollow Knight.

Screenshots: https://twitter.com/Legolas_Katarn/status/1022350492511260673

Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3tbhGTcwKg

Reviewed on May 19, 2021
