Control an Ape attempting to escape from a variety of settings including a lab, ship, jungle, and office building while smashing enemies against walls or each other. Jazz drumming and expressive colors follow your destruction as you make your way out of each level. Enemies explode in bright blood and body party, fires start from enemy flamethrowers and barrels exploding, the power dies and flashlights and flames help to guide your paths and your enemy's view. It's a loud and intense game separated by four albums that act as 8-10 stages each with their own area focus, each album can be played on a more difficult setting for greater challenge.

Rooms can change with each level reset causing the need for improvisation matching both the state of the ape and style of music, this can cause extremely easy or extremely difficult set ups where you can pretty much easily walk through the level or where you will be suddenly killed if you have the slightest hesitation in performing a nearly perfect improvised plan to get by.


Reviewed on May 21, 2021
