A first person shooter focused around the use of parkour and bullet time to fight through arena style levels.

Making use of double jumps, dives, slides, and wall runs prevents you from getting hit by enemy bullets, you are constantly swapping guns taken from enemies as they run out of ammo, and you have the ability to slide tackle, launch objects into by kicking, throw your weapon at enemies, or can kick and disarm enemies at close range for other methods of attack. Shortly into the campaign you will also unlock a cannon that attaches to your arm with limited ammo that can be recharged by draining power from certain kinds of enemies, this isn't that useful as a weapon but can be used to destroy walls and objective targets.

On the positive side the game offers fast and fluid movement in levels that are destructible allowing you to crash through glass, blow up walls, jump through floors and ceilings you have destroyed, etc. The way you can flip while in dives by aiming in ways that would have you doing sideways rolls and front and backflips is a cool feature. A level editor and a mode where you can replay any of the stages while unlocking cheats, starting weapon options, and different kinds of weapons to attach to your arm instead of the default cannon both adds to the games replayability.

On the negative side the enemies just aren't that interesting or varied and aren't that satisfying to shoot, worse is that all of the SMGs or rifles that shoot full auto feel weak and aren't satisfying to use, even the more unique weapon in the flamethrower is kind of cool with how it leaves flames or damages the environment but offers little differences from anything else when you hit enemies with it. They made the infinite ammo cheat one of the last things you unlock when being able to use some of the more fun guns (high damage pistols, explosive weapons, double barrel shotgun) constantly would have been a big improvement when going through to replay levels. Throwing your empty gun at enemies never looked good or felt satisfying to do and having the thrown weapon option without any ability to throw any kind of more damage equipment or knives/shuriken/etc was disappointing. The level design tends to be fairly uninteresting, the best I can remember was an area with a hedge maze that was kind of cool with the flamethrowers burning parts of it and being able to jump over it and run along the top was kind of cool, and at the very start of one level there was a hospital style gurney that I dived onto and ride for a bit while shooting enemies, it made me hopefully there would be some fun interactable objects like that more often and there never really was.

It's alright, they have the fun movement down but the style of a lot of the maps, enemies, and how the enemies react to getting hit combined with some weak guns leaves more to be desired from the shooting and map design.

Screenshots: https://twitter.com/Legolas_Katarn/status/1553818020866273282

Reviewed on Jul 31, 2022
