Horizontal shooter. You have a main shot, can alternate between three speeds, and you can fire the satellite weapon that moves and shoots with with you to have it latch onto enemies and absorb and power their shot type to switch you weapon. Interesting and constantly altering stage backgrounds, layouts, and obstacles along with many stages having a moment where taking a high or low path can put you on a path with different enemies or hazards. Boss fights and hazards like black holes or traps in the environment make this one of the few shooters I've played with the ability to switch between movement speeds levels where it is absolutely necessary to use the faster speed at times rather than just sticking to a preference. Good music and enemy design. Kind of introduces you to some enemies by having a more simple fight with a mini boss type before bringing them back with an extra attack or aided by other enemies.

Ends with a dull boss gauntlet, some of the better weapons I found just aren't that fun to actually use as a main shot type. If you die you start at a checkpoint passed in the stage, this can help to regain a more powerful weapon by draining enemies but but you lose one of the most powerful upgrades you can find which as a shield that can often be found at the start of a stage that can take a few hits for you. Losing all of your lives allows you to use continues that will also reset you at the stage checkpoint. A lot of the more common enemy types are really just their so you can drain a weapon type, it's the stage hazards, mini bosses, and some of the rarer and more powerful enemy types you might fight alone or two at a time that are the real threat.

Screenshots: https://twitter.com/Legolas_Katarn/status/1597461696784011264

Reviewed on Nov 29, 2022
