A three player co-op spin off of Rainbow Six Siege where many of the playable characters of Siege fight against an alien threat. Not at all what I would want out of the franchise or made from Siege that has some of the best feeling shooting in a video game, but not that bad. Varied enemies, difficulties, character abilities, types of missions mixing stealth/defense/rescue/etc, good location variety, good visual style, unlockable modes that offer more difficult but rewarding consecutive missions.

Not all characters seem that useful. Not that much staying power as the mission types will start to get repetitive. The experience system just seems like an afterthought that doesn't work well as getting basic abilities or weapon unlocks from level 1-10 can keep you from being on the level of your friends, you can rank characters up fairly quickly, and you can lose XP if you lose all your health and are unable to rescue a character in a new playthrough of the level but your XP is save from dropping when you reach 10 and you can just put it on a lower difficulty for a rescue. It feels like it wanted to make death and needing to get into a desperate extraction situation as a major source of gameplay but it never really matters much. Ranking up your intel for new gadget unlocks ends up mostly being following generic objectives that are unlocked in sets of three that force you to play the same area again and again as you try to complete them.

It can be fun for a bit but unlikely to hold interest for long for you or two other friends willing to try it out, and it was just a strange thing to have done with the series in the first place.

Screenshots: https://twitter.com/Legolas_Katarn/status/1523519326552133633

Reviewed on Jun 19, 2023
