It was fine, but it didn't have nearly enough thought put into its design to rival DOOM. It does carve out its own space, but when it feels so close to another franchise, you can't cut a lot of what made the inspiration work and have everything soar.

The problems with dodging and general gunplay really revealed themselves whilst fighting the copy paste bosses at the end of each stage. I just couldn't organically dodge most attacks and it completely broke the fun for me.

The fact that the game always locks you in tight arenas with a lot of enemy waves and forgoes any platforming didn't help the flow of the game either. The repetitiveness set in much too quickly.

All in all, the musical concept works well enough, but I didn't feel Metal : Hellsinger was built on a strong enough gameplay foundation to leave much of an impression, or keep me hooked until the end.

Reviewed on Feb 12, 2024
