I actually liked this one! The writing especially was suprisingly good! Everything other than aspect is... good, but nothing special (which is to say, it's very ""AAA""). It's a fun time while it lasts (which cannot be said for most other ""AAA"" games).

There is only one big problem I have with this game: The huddle is a bad mechanic that brings the action to a screeching halt in favor of a half baked minigame that takes way too long and has way too little in terms of actual pay-off. It doesn't help that the dialogues start repeating themselves halfway through the game. I was euphoric at first to discover the songs that played after a successful huddle (which is every single one of them if you don't misclick) - only to be let down by the fact that you essentially only ever get to hear the first minute of every song. Even in longer battles, the normal (relatively generic) battle music randomly kicks back in for no discernable reason? It's... not fun. I actively avoided using it after a while - which is easily possible, thankfully. Which is little sad, as the idea had potential. The entire package is more than good enough to overlook that point tho.

Reviewed on Dec 09, 2021
