This is the first cover-based shooter I've ever played, and I gotta say I'm not a fan. Every shootout feels the same and they're almost always really frustrating, mainly because it's hard to get your bearings of everything that's happening around you, there's about 30 mooks per shootout, and Nate gets stuck on the terrain when you're trying to move around and he puts himself in the line of fire.

Outside of shootouts, you mainly climb and platform with a dash of puzzle-solving and the occasional vehicle section . The puzzles are ok at best, the vehicle sections suck ass, and the climbing/platforming is terrible. Most of the time it's hard to tell what you can or can't climb onto or it's unclear where you're supposed to jump to. Combine that with the terrible jumping controls and you have a game that is less an Indiana-Jones-style-action-adventure-game and more a suicide simulator.

The story is the only note-worthy thing here, and it's honestly just ok. I like the writing; it's smart and funny at times. I like our main trio, even if they're pretty generic. It's just ok and really not worth the frustration of the game just to see it.

From what I gather, most people don't like this one and I have to agree. Here's hoping Uncharted 2 is the masterpiece everyone says it is.

Reviewed on Jun 01, 2020
