Sonic Adventure is frustrating to review because the sonic story itself, what you come here to play, is incredible, yet the quality of the overall package plummets once you complete it and move on to other stories. Tails and Gamma are great gameplay-wise, but Knuckles, Amy, and Big are no fun. Knuckles can be kind of enjoyable at times, but a lot of his stages are not fun, and there are story segments that really drag it down (finding the two stones in the jungle).

The stories themselves can be pretty good. Tails and Gamma have really great character growth, and Amy has one or two great moments. Big is just kinda there, and it's laughable that they really tried to work his story into the others in a way that would make fucking froggy significant to the overall plotline.

It's that interwieving story that really ruins it for me because you spend so much time rewatching scenerios form different perspectives. This can be done well, like how in Tails' story eggman is much more intimidating because of just how frightened of a person Tails can be. Though, that's not really interacted with anywhere else in the other stories. In the other stories, it's just you seeing the same thing over again and fighting the same bosses multiple times (I fucking hate Chaos 3 that water boss sucks it's literally just waiting). I guess part of that problem is that you can't skip cutscenes.

Please play this game but only play the Sonic story because it's an easy 9/10 experience. Dip into the others if you reeeeeeally want, but I don't recommend it unless it's Tails or Gamma. Also, the music in this game is fantastic so listen to that regardless. Sadly, this game is just okay overall.

(and I'm talking about the original Dreamcast version by the way).


Reviewed on Jan 28, 2024
