US Saturn Release #010 - Robotica

Played on a real American Sega Saturn with the Fenrir ODE

I could easily write this off as a poor doom clone, but there's definitely something in here that is done right. The controls are surprisingly great and the gameplay itself has plenty of opportunity for strategy, but the loop of gameplay itself is very flawed in the sense that it gets boring really quick.

Most of it is you walking around randomly generated levels finding a key and a door to get to the next one, shooting a lot of the same enemies and waking corridors that look the same. There's a couple of little stage varieties like dark stages or levels where you have to take down certain targets to progress, but it really doesn't change enough for the game to suddenly become fun.

Additionally, the game tends to slow down a lot and has a relatively small draw-distance even in lighten stages. However, the low draw distance can make the game more atmospheric when you're struggling. It becomes a bit of a tense survival game, which is admirable.

So it's kind of mixed. There's plenty here to admire and plenty to potentially make this entertaining for you, but for me, there's not enough for this to be really enjoyable at all. It would be worth picking up if it's cheap, but otherwise you can skip it. It's very meh.


Reviewed on May 24, 2024
