I didn't expect to like FFIX as much based on what I knew beforehand as I did. It's just so charming and full of heart, the soundtrack is one of the best ever, it really feels like a fairy tale. I loved it in the end.

I really came to love most of the cast even if most of their arcs are unfortunately undercooked in the end, it was partially made up for me by just how inherently likable they were. I so wish Freya especially would have gotten more than she did, by design she is one of the most intriguing party members in the series to me. We love mysterious rat dragoon ladies... You can unfortunately really tell that some cuts probably had to be made along the way, with characters but also with some sections towards the end. The game crumbled a bit under the weight of its own ambition I suppose.
But on the other side of the coin we have Garnet who is among the most compelling characters in the entire series to me, I loved seeing her journey. Vivi is a bean too - I really think whoever decided to take the OG black mage design and make a lovable little blorbo out of it was a genius. Kuja is incredible as well and really helped by how much actual screen time he gets. Easily my favorite FF villain of the PS1 era, maybe among the top in the general series too. His themes are also just really good, I really loved whenever he was on the screen. Unfortunately he doesn't quite get the final boss sequence he deserves, VII and VIII easily beat that one, but the true final battle made me sweat at 10-30 levels below everyone else I've seen do the battle, so I had fun with that at least..?

Gameplay-wise, FFIX is hardly anything special, but in a way I took a lot of joy out of its relative simplicity in itself, it has its own charm and sometimes it's just what I need. Going in I also expected some absolutely miserable dungeons based on criticisms I had commonly heard and I ended up finding none of them anything worse than inoffensive? The worst the game got was some of the sidequests and those are technically optional, so I can't really complain too much.. Having a couple fuckass sidequests does feel a lot like part of the series that I actually love in its own way, I just wish it wasn't basically every single big one aslkdjl. In the end this didn't really drag down the game too much for me though, it was just an incredible journey that I came out liking so much more than I ever thought I would. It also made me cry at the end and things that do that always get higher up in me by default. I'll be thinking about this game a lot in the future. It's far from perfect, but it has so perfectly taken in my entire heart.

Reviewed on May 23, 2024
