A unique, experimental approach to the genre that serves to severely limit the player and their capabilities In order to push a different method of play, gone are the often superhuman capabilities of your average Survival Horror protagonist that juxtaposes what the genre wants to be, you can’t QTE suplex zombos to their death, hold Immense amounts of resources, or even sprint for long. Your character Is a run-down, alcoholic detective who can (Initially) only hold 10 bullets at once, sprint for 4 seconds and has messed up aim. So obviously you can’t shoot everything to death and have to think up of alternative methods of dealing with enemies to progress, though sadly the game Isn’t that In-depth so you always rely on the same approaches, It’s either the crossbow mines or burning up multiple enemies together with matches, trap’s don’t make much of an appearance for enemy encounters outside the first couple of chapters and that’s because Instead of doing more tight, tense big playground levels where you’re allowed a lot of approaches like the village, the game opts for more generic RE style enemy rushes and the level design accommodates them too. I found them decent to play but It’s a shame that the game doesn’t stick to what works best for It because Mikami has the RE blues.

Visually the game Is nothing short of exhilarating, It Is easily up there as one of the best looking 7th gen games and I was fond of how It transitions you from one level to the next without any explanation whatsoever, like being rushed by a sea of blood then waking up In another place, I found that enhances the mystery and makes It so the game Is free to do whatever It wants visually and the result Is quite captivating.

Reviewed on Oct 18, 2023

1 Comment

8 months ago

Points I forgot to Include
- the AI are as dumb as a bag of rocks and It’s a surprising level of Incompetence from a game this high-budget, they will forget about you and enter a searching state so easily and It’s so abusable. I also don’t enjoy their attacks often locking you Into cinematic animations.
- the save room music Is a fantastic mood-setter, I love how deteriorated It sounds, It’s smart In terms of how It connects to the narrative and Is atmospheric as hell.
-the characters and voice acting are mostly lame, especially Ruvik, I can’t take his emo soundcloud rapper looking ass seriously.