This feels like the cheap knockoff version of Jedi Power Battles which is odd because its the actual official movie tie in game to the film and came out before.

The graphics are bad even for 1999 and the voice acting is cheesy as hell especially by whoever voiced Qui-Gon.

I remember renting this back in the day but hating it because of the shoddy camera. Replaying it now and while its manageable it is one of the worst aspects of it. Admittedly it is an easer experience than Jedi Power Battles and while the platforming is nowhere near as egregious because there's much less of it and you can actually save whenever you want (Thank the maker!) the gameplay is very mediocre. At least in JPB you got to choose what character to play as and got cool fighting combos. Here you just wave your lightsaber around like a baseball bat and do like three moves at most combined with picking up other weapons such as grenades and blasters. There's no upgrade abilities or force powers outside of push which was lame.

Despite this not being a very good game overall its still oddly charming and nostalgic. It still has the iconic music from the films like most of the prequel era tie in games which adds a sense of legitimacy to them.

Reviewed on Apr 23, 2024
