How the hell did I ever beat this as a kid? let alone without a memory card! I must have had way more patience back then because this is easily one of the hardest Star Wars games I've ever played.

It's a fun game but man is it unfairly difficult at times. The combos are awesome when you manage to pull them off but a lot of the time there rather unresponsive. Sometimes you feel like an absolute chad slashing droids and other enemies up with your lightsaber but at other times you feel like a little kid bashing them with a plastic baseball bat with just how many hits they take before dying and how they fling you all over the place half the time. The platforming though by far is the worst part of the game. It's horrible mainly due to the poor camera and depth of field and combined with random enemies that just spawn out of nowhere and shoot you mid-air causing you to die and lose a life when you only have so few was definitely makes you want to rage quit and throw your controller in frustration lol.

For this playthrough, I played as Qui-Gon to unlock Darth Maul and he definitely feels like one of the weakest characters. Every other Jedi to pick from just feels way stronger than him, especially Mace Windu. Darth Maul while it's cool visually being able to play as him is sort of a letdown mainly because he doesn't have his double-bladed lightsaber and his move set isn't that unique.

I do miss the era of movie tie-in games, particularly the Star Wars prequel ones and this was one of my favourites growing up. It may be extremely challenging but I do still have love for it.

Reviewed on Oct 09, 2022
