marisa gaming

100th Black Market (Touhou 18.5) is a new official touhou spinoff danmaku shooter where the player challenges a selection of wave-based stages and bosses with cards that they have purchased and equipped from the main menu shop. You can also purchase cards between each wave using bullet money that appears from using magic circles and grazing bullets.

100th Black Market was clearly designed with roguelites as an inspiration, and as such there is quite a heavy emphasis on RNG and repeat play of stages. With each stage being done individually, Black Market feels a bit more relaxed than the usual touhou fare, and generally speaking the game is pretty much as hard as you want it to be depending on which cards you are using and how much you're willing to grind.

That may be a problem for some people though, and it is for me too to an extent. Black Market is gonna take you quite a bit of grinding to beat unless you're a god gamer so that you can get good enough cards to survive in the later stages. Enemy waves are fairly generic and all based around timing out repeating enemy formations, so it can get repetitive. 100% completion from collecting all of the cards will take you a long time regardless of how good you are at the game, especially because certain bosses may not appear often for you when playing.

Overall I like the ideas of 100th Black Market and it is quite an addictive, fresh feeling game while it lasts, but the grindiness and repetition of the gameplay is a big problem. In a way I prefer this game over UM regardless of the flaws.

Reviewed on Sep 03, 2022
