One of the first of the non-classically styled Lego games, this game introduces plenty of good ideas, but is brought down with some odd choices and lots of bugs. Having the hub area be all of Middle Earth which you physically travel across makes the game feel more engaging while still having the classic level structure within that. On the other hand, the ability spread between characters is very slim, with certain characters taking a lions share of puzzle abilities. This means most of extra characters feel pretty useless compared to other Lego titles. This is partially solved by the item trove you unlock through the course of the game, but ends up feeling clunky with how many items you end up sifting through. This game also has one of the more tedious 100%-ing processes I've experienced in the series, along with a boatload of bugs that almost softlocked completion for me in the process. I would ultimately just recommend a normal playthrough for those who do still enjoy Lego games or Lord of the Rings.

Reviewed on Feb 02, 2024
