Sonic Unleashed is peak fiction.
It has the best Sonic gameplay in ANY sonic game to date and when you don't have someone screaming in your ear about how bad the Werehog sections are, they can be extremely enjoyable and a nice way to calm down from the Daytime sections.
The Music in Sonic Unleashed is still one of the best OSTs in all of gaming, having fitting music for every area in the game.
The graphics are still some of the best from 2008, having great looking character models and some extremely beautiful scenery.
The Story while not the most in-depth thing in the world is still extremely engaging and charming.
Sonic Unleashed was one of my first Sonic games and easily became my overall favourite game of all time. I love this game so much. -Logan

This game is the perfect example of "So bad, its good" in all of gaming.
The story is the goofiest thing created by mankind and makes NO SENSE whatsoever.
The gameplay and glitches are some of the funniest things you can see in a game.
The music however is the peak of Sonic music. -Logan

Shadow the hedgehog is actually, and I mean this, one of the worse mistakes in all of gaming.
The concept and music is good, that's it, that's all this game has going for it.
This game has one of the worse stories in a video game, some of the worst feeling gameplay in a Sonic game and has the worst multiple endings system in ANY video game.
This game fucking sucks. - Logan

Sonic Heroes is just a straight up downgrade from SA1 and SA2.
While the concept is neat and leveling theming is topic notch, the overall lack of interesting gameplay, the fact that you must play all stories to get the final boss and bare bones story makes it one of the boring games in the franchise.

Sonic Adventure 2 is by far one of Sonics overall best games, improving on two of the gameplay styles from the first game, those being 'Speed Levels' and 'Emerald Hunting'. However the 'Mech Levels' are an overall downgrade from Gamma. This game introduce one of gamings most iconic characters, Shadow The Hedgehog.
SA2 has a silly, yet wonderful story.
Also the Chao Garden is amazing side content. -Logan

Sonic Adventure is (unlike what most people say) an amazing transition to 3D for Sonic, and while some of the stories in this game may hold is back from a perfect rating, Sonic, Tails and Gammas are the best stories in the game and are the longest by far, a great game all around. -Logan

Sonic CD is an upgrade from Sonic 1, having better music, level theming and bosses. It has one of the best villain ideas to date being Metal Sonic. -Logan

S3K is one of the best classic platformer ever made, it has some of the best level design, visual design and storytelling despite being on extremely limiting hardware. -Logan

Sonic The Hedgehog is a classic yet fucking shitty old platformer, I respect it however due to how enjoyable certain sections can be. -Logan