The story and acting are alright, but the actual act of playing the game is just absolutely the worst. I don't know if the game plays fine with keyboard + mouse and only has a very bad controller experience, or what, but I just can't stand it. The walking isn't good, the shooting isn't good, when there's more than one shooting segments in a row if you die on the first and restart with "story" mode to be invincible, then the next segment turns off story mode so you have to die again and restart that segment to get story mode back on. Scanning stuff with a tricorder should be kinda neat, but the tricorder's screen is wireframe mush with inconsistent coloring so half the time you can't tell what the game thinks you should be scanning.

For this one, just watch a let's play on youtube. Actually, maybe don't even do that. There's a lot better star trek radio drama stuff made by fans that you can find if you want good trek (eg: Star Trek Outpost or Star Trek Lost Enterprise).

Reviewed on Oct 03, 2023
